Wednesday, June 6, 2012

freshman again

the adventure has begun.

i have moved back into a dorm after five and a half years. i am definitely feeling like a freshmen in college again. i don't know anybody. everybody asks about majors. and i am learning all sorts of things.

move-in was crazy. my suitcase probably weighed 75+ pounds and it took me five tries to get into the trunk of my car, and that was only one of several items that i carried to rice university. i thought i had over-packed until i met several other houstonians who brought double what i did. 

after move in, we had small group discussion time with our TTL group. i do not know what that abbreviation stands for. maybe a transition something. i got to spend sometime with a small group reflecting on the hours and hours of pre-work we completed. we finished up by reflecting on things we want to take away from our time at institute. for me it is... relationships, how to become a classroom leader, and connecting community and culture the the classroom. 

after an hour break, we went to dinner with a current tfa corps member, a student, and their parents/family. what a neat time it was to see how much of an impact this teacher had made on the life of her student. this kid went from being unmotivated and not a great student to begging his mom to come to saturday tutoring and getting into a magnet math/science middle school. it is things like that that remind me about why i am doing this. 

now... drumroll please... introducing my new home... the dorm!


 :: little tidbit ::

"I chose to pour My Light into you so that you can be a beacon to others.
There is no room for pride in this position.
Your part is to reflect My Glory. I am the Lord!"
--Sarah Young, Jesus Calling

Isaiah 60:2
"Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth,
but the glory of the Lord rises and appears over you."


  1. okay- what corp are you (where are you located) is it going...i want to hear details!!!!!

  2. Emily! I am in Houston Institute and part of the Houston Corps team. I will message you more details!

  3. So excited for you Katie! You are going to be an exceptional TFA teacher.
